Monday, April 23, 2018

“Beautifully written ending to Eli and Kit’s story” – 5-Star Review – “The Prince: A Crown and Dagger Book Three: (The Never Lands Saga) by Andi Lawrencovna


#amwriting, #novel, #mswl, #romanticfantasy, #darkfantasy, #paranormalfantasy
It’s time. Within a year the Prince must die, or he and his people and his kingdom will survive uncontested. Within a year, but there are those already on the move, already lying in wait to fulfill fate. Reports of a mercenary army have begun to spread throughout the land. Soldiers have been called to prepare for war and captains have been summoned to lead them. Spies have been sent forth to gather information. Assassins have been requisitioned to hunt out those meant to die.
And princes have been sent to hide deep within the woods.
Kit can’t help looking around every corner for his Captain far away on her own mission. Perhaps he should look harder for the trees hide more secrets than just the elves of the forest.
How long can you hide from your enemies find you? How long can you lie before the truth sets you free? And who will find you when the smoke clears, and you’re safe once more?
How much can you endure before you can’t bear the burden of prophecy anymore?
Once upon a time…
5-star review
Beautifully written ending to Eli and Kit’s story
The Prince ends Eli and Kit’s story while leaving the door open for infinite possibilities in Never Land. As we’ve come to expect from Ms. Lawrencovna’s books, there is fantastic action, political intrigue, and battles for entire kingdoms. Eli grows even more as a character in this book, while still retaining her snarky, kick-ass exterior. Kit finally becomes the leader his people have been waiting for, ready to fight for everyone, no matter the curse. And do Eli and Kit live happily ever after? Oh, c’mon. Like I’d really tell you. Highly recommend this book!
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Andi the prince

“The Prince: A Crown and
Dagger Book Three”
(The Never Lands Saga)
by Andi Lawrencovna
Can be found at:

Barnes & Noble

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