Tuesday, January 18, 2022

“Beautiful art cards featuring fairies, angels, and more with inspirational booklet” – JOYFUL INSPIRATIONS. Written by Frances Munro and illustrated by Judy Mastrangelo


Line Blurb

Featuring the dreamy artwork of Judy Mastrangelo, Joyful Inspirations cards invite you to join the caravan of flower fairies, dancing unicorns, friendly bunnies, and a host of other joyful creatures who delight in spreading sunshine and rainbows. Children and people of all ages, especially those young at heart, will enjoy cricket concerts, carousels, and garden parties in this magical world of the imagination. Choose a card each day from the colorful 45-card deck for a joyful image and affirmation. Explore the 52-page booklet for delightful messages sure to energize and inspire you.

Line review


Beautiful art cards featuring fairies, angels, and more with inspirational booklet

I just received my Joyful Inspirations card deck, and I love it. It’s a deck of beautiful art cards with happy inspirational quotes. The cards are quite a bit larger than playing cards, and they’re nicely made. The beautiful artwork is by artist/illustrator Judy Mastrangelo. The deck comes with a lovely little booklet of inspriations by Frances Munro. The booklet features a lovely cover illustration by Judy Mastrangelo. Inside are images of each of the 45 cards with inspirational writings to go with them. You just shuffle the deck and ask for help and select a card, then refer to the page for that card and read the inspiring words that go with it. It makes a lovely gift. Most of the illustrations of fairy folk, but there are also angels, cute little animals, or children.

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Judy Joyful Inspirations

Amazon Paperback
US Games

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