Tuesday, May 7, 2024

“I absolutely recommend THE ANGEL SET and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.” -Angels at War (Summer Spirit Series Book 1) by Best-Selling Author Samantha Jacobey


No one EVER had a summer romance like this.

When Charlie visited another plane parallel to our own, he discovered that Summer Angels and Dark Angels battle over the fate of man. Faced with choices no one should ever have to make, his adventure has been fraught with twists and turns, with life and death hanging in the balance. His guardian, Clarisse, is the half that makes him whole, but sinister forces conspire to do more than simply keep them apart.

Find out if they can stand up to the powers that be in this THRILLING MAGICAL ADVENTURE!!! (New adult)


“What Fate has deemed cannot be avoided…”

This series drew me in from the very beginning. There are many aspects to the story and the threads are clear and well-defined throughout the entire set. Each character in the story plays a very important role and while the writing is not overly detailed, it very well explained so at no point was I “lost”. I did get LOST in the story and didn’t look up from the first page to the last.

This set has an ebb and flows to it that just naturally follows a path toward its destination. There are many, many lines that I highlighted as I was reading and I would like to print them, laminate them and hang them around my office similar to the inspiration posters of the 90s. Here are a few of my favorites:

“The choices we make dictate the lives we lead”
“There cannot be light without darkness”
(paraphrasing) We are under construction from the moment we are born.

I absolutely recommend THE ANGEL SET and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

#EndoftheWorld #thriller #suspense #SweetRomance #Sci-Fi #CleanRead


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