Monday, March 25, 2019

Body Guard Romance with a paranormal twist!

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After ten years in the big city, Cassie Holt is back in Fairfield Corners. To keep her safe, Logan must open his heart, but that’s something he swore he’d never do.
Get your ebook copy for FREE – Mar. 24 – 28!
Or snag the entire series – All available in paperback, on audio, and FREE in KU!

Standing on His Own” (New Beginnings Book 2) by Trish Edmisten – #MilitaryRomance, #NewAdult&CollegeRomance

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#romanceauthor #contemporary romance #romancewriter #newadultromance
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When his best friend decided to join the Army after high school graduation, there was no question Joel would join too. Best friends since kindergarten, the two of them did everything together, and this was no different. A routine mission changed their lives forever. Slade ended up paralyzed while Joel lost his leg. Joel never expected to live with one leg, but he wasn’t going to let it break him. Like he did with everything else, he adapted, and he accepted that he was never going to find love. Women might want to sleep with a war hero, but they sure as hell don’t want to live with and take care of one. That theory proves true until Courtney comes along. Beautiful, independent Courtney with her wicked sense of humor is the perfect woman for Joel. All he has to do is trust her enough to accept that he doesn’t have to stand on his own anymore.
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Viv Drewa
Edmisten has a wonderful gift!
I love how Trish Edmisten brings her characters to life and puts them in realistic situations. This is the second book I’ve read by her.
Joel is self-conscience about his missing leg, but his best friend, Slade, is paralyzed and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. They joke and tease each other but when the PTSD hits they’re there for each other.
Then Joel meets Courtney and finds he’s falling in love but has his reservations.
I couldn’t put this marvelous book down!
I highly recommend Standing on His Own!

Viral Dawn: (Viral Series Book 1) by Skyler Rankin – #ParanormalSuspense, #DystopianScienceFiction, #PostApocalypticScienceFiction

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What if your world changed in a split second, destroying everything you thought you knew and thrusting you into a world where your very survival depends on every move you make, every decision, and every step you take? Every. Move. Matters.
An explosion at the army depot unleashes a deadly cloud carrying a genetically engineered virus that turns people into flesh-eating zombies. High school senior, Casey Williams has taken refuge at the school with friends and others who managed to survive the blast and ensuing viral outbreak. They’re safe. For now. But supplies are running short, and tempers are running shorter as Casey realizes the time is coming they will need to get out. She is determined to lead her friends to safety only to discover that she’s led them into even greater danger. Determined to save her friends, she fights the living and the undead in her quest to survive.
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Viv Drewa
Wow! Can’t wait for the next book!
I love zombie books and this one is exceptional! Most of the characters are teenagers and deal with the zombies in their own way.
Viral Dawn is filled with action, Zombies and a touch of romance! It’s truly a new twist on the Zombie experience!
I can’t wait for the next book!
I highly recommend Viral Dawn!
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Barnes & Noble

Karma’s Legacy (Summer Spirit Novellas Book 6) by Samantha Jacobey – #Fantasy, #NewAdult&College

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#GuardianAngels #CleanRead #Paranormal #Magic
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The Magical Adventure continues!
If you liked the Summer, Dark and Forgotten Angels in the first segment of the Summer Spirit Novella Series, you are going LOVE what happens when Karma gets involved. Are they a race of ancient beings, here for the benefit of mankind? Or is a group of marauders poised and ready to strike us down when we least expect it?
Charlie must find the truth and his inner strength for any hope of freeing Clarisse and ending the battle… (New Adult)
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Viv Drewa
I absolutely love this series!!
Jacobey makes fiction feel so real which is what I love about her books!
In this book, we learn so much more about Karma and Father and where they actually came from.
Charlie and Clarisse are married and happy but Charlie still feels like something is wrong, but doesn’t know if it’s Karma or Father causing the trouble.
You need to read the first five books to really appreciate this one and I highly recommend this series.
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Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Available for pre-order now – Spring: Book V of the PlayNISE Series by Ryanne Anthony – #ContemporaryRomanceFiction


#contemporary, #romance, #interracial, #multicultural, #indieauthor, #indiepromo, #authorpromo
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Fame, money, success… he had it all in abundance, but as he approached fifty, there was some things, he realized, that he had not achieved: a family.
Thinking it was too late to find a wife and produce children, Nate attends a therapy session with Dr. Amy Fields and tells her of his life and a secret he had never shared with another soul.
Nate may already be a father, and if so, his child is nearing thirty and has no idea who he is to them, thanks to the child’s mother who cryptically told Nate of their existence ten years after her sexual encounter with him.
But was she lying to him? Nate needed answers, and Dr. Fields was determined to lead him someone who could do so, flawlessly.
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Out of the Wilderness (The Wilderness Series Book 5) by Pamela Ackerson – #Time Travel, #Romance, #ScienceFiction

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A marvelous and fantastic journey, enjoy little-known history crafted with original, brilliant, unforgettable moments, unforgettable characters, and an unforgettable adventure that will keep you shaking your head.
Karen Standing Deer’s daughter, Jennifer, knows exactly what she wants–to fall in love and marry a Native American just like her father and brother. Everyone else is immediately dismissed. Her friends and family keep telling her, the one you want could be right in front of her face.
Unfortunately, like watching a bolt of lightning hit the ground, there’s nothing that can be done about it. She has the uncanny knack of choosing the wrong men, every time.
Traveling to the past, with the belief that her one true love can’t be found this side of the millennium, she refuses to learn that she doesn’t have to go back to the past to find the one–she just needs to go back to the past to find her path.
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Cinderella 7
Quite Interesting!
I enjoyed this book as much as the first four. It was filled with letters that I didn’t understand the meaning of, like DD for instance.
Jennifer was a very confused woman. I loved how she went back in time to help others but was disappointed that the story didn’t explain what happened to Jonathan. Did Jen teach him how to treat his future wife? I would have liked to know what happened to him and his family.
Then Jen and Taylor finally get to understand each other and poof … The story ends. I expected much more to the story.
Regardless I loved the story anyway, what there was of it. Are there any more books to the series?
Starr as Ruby Slippers
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AmazonBarnes & NobleBooks-A-Million

Letters to Eula (A Ghost Story) by Michael Bussa – #Horror, #Occult, #ShortReads

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Sesame, an old woman in frail health, is trapped in the attic with no explanation. A woman and her two small girls live on the first floor, none of whom pay the old woman any mind. Though she tries calling out, banging on walls, and stomping on the floor, her cries for help go ignored.
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Viv Drewa
Michael Bussa is the best horror writer in a long time.
Bussa surprises me with every book he writes! This one was no different, and since I love ghost stories I knew I would love it!
This book deserves more than 5 stars. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. The ending I did not see coming!
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Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited
Barnes & Noble

The Divide Boxed Set: Darkness Descends & The Between Times by Marta Moran Bishop – #ScienceFiction&Fantasy, #Fantasy, #AlternativeHistory, #ScienceFiction, #Dystopian

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Marta Moran Bishop’s Darkness Descends is powerful, gripping work! It’s a compelling, sometimes scathing prequel to her first series title, The Between Times. Set in a dystopian city-state, Bishop indicts a patriarchal oligarchy that feeds a rape culture at the same time as it plots the overthrow of the rule of law with the anarchic rule of a well-managed mob psyche. The Roman people were given bread and circuses. The crowds in Darkness Descends are handed Rebecca, Jewell’s mother, and a crucial charter character of the series, who faces public torture, humiliation, assault, and finally, auto-da-fé, burning at the stake, which she accepts as her fate as the ultimate sacrifice for a greater good. Bishop pulls no punches. The blows land all the harder when one realizes she is not working solely from imagination. She has incorporated into her literary tapestry the warp of today’s culture, with the weft of actual history, including a chilling early Twentieth Century plot by brutal American financial moguls to overthrow the United States government. Who knew?! This book is devastating. I’m praying for an uplifting third installment to arrive in my Kindle soon, but given Bishop’s dim view of humanity and history, I’m not holding out too much hope for a Pixar ending. Every win in Bishop’s world comes at a great price, and the brilliant Darkness Descends is no exception. Of course, I absolutely can’t wait to see what Bishop will come up with next!
Robert Blake Whitehill, Author/Screenwriter – The Ben Blackshaw Series
What if…for the first time in the history of the United States we took a social and economic nose dive into oblivion? THE BETWEEN TIMES is just such a scenario. A story that reads like a folktale from the past, but in reality is a fantastic possibility based on the choices available to us today.
The premise is nothing short of an incredible imagination as modern day Chicago fades into an evil darkness separated by a wall. A separateness ruled by the upper society that isolates and mistreats the poor. These less fortunate people, in a short amount of time, find themselves forced to live in the lower communities suffering from mistreatment comparable only to the concentration camps during WWII. Women are no longer human beings but are nothing more than breeding animals kept only to prevent the extinction of the race. The conditions are bleak and seemingly hopeless.
It is the belief in a Legend that becomes the driving force behind the survival. A young girl named Jewel, living in the captivity of this devastating socioeconomic environment, is the dream. She manifests hope and magic from within this beautiful tale.
Fantastical, Magical, & Mystical in a story that will make you believe it is about a long forgotten past, but in reality is a possible future! I wholeheartedly recommend this remarkable highly imaginative novel!
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Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Blood Phase (Book 2 of the G.O.D.’s Series) by Kirsten Campbell – # Dystopian, #ScienceFiction, #Multicultural&InterracialRomance

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November 12, 2052: Earth has lost two-thirds of its population to the Great War. Many more lives have been lost to earthquakes, the Clover Virus, and the Death Plague. Years later, survivors are clumped into factions. Two of those factions—the Brotherhood and the Guild Faction—have battled over medical supplies and food for years. The fight is coming to a head as manpower dwindles and the struggle becomes one to gain numbers, even if said numbers are children…
Griffin Storm, an albino man kidnapped and dragged into the Brotherhood, has transformed into a G.O.D., a Genetically enhanced Omni-dimensional being. Two weeks in the brig, and Griffin’s released after it’s determined that he’s learned to control most of his god-like abilities. His abilities have grown almost as much as his love for Tassta Vinetti and his unfortunate blood lust. His bond with Tassta’s twin brother, Penn, has grown as well and is cemented in secrets.
Soon after his release, Griffin’s told that Guild agents and the notorious Trips (super-agents of the Guild) are in the Underground. He must now test his abilities to save the abandoned children that live there. Will Griffin rescue the children of the Underground from a tragic end? Will Tassta and Griffin’s love survive such turmoil? Can a G.O.D. forgive himself when death and destruction follow his every move? Read Blood Phase, the gripping second book in the G.O.D.s Series!
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The Minter
And I wasn’t disappointed! Griffin
I had read Blood Master previously and became enthralled with Griffin Storm’s character (for my review of Blood Master, click here). When I heard that Ms. Campbell was publishing the sequel, Blood Phase, I couldn’t wait to dig in. And I wasn’t disappointed!
Griffin, having earned the trust of Fortress authorities, is set to be released from The Brig, much to the delight of Tassta, his sweetheart. Although Griffin still has a lot to learn about balancing his newfound abilities against his inherent humanity, overall he does well and has enough control over his abilities to prevent caving into his inner desires. As his and Tassta’s romance heats up, Griffin gets the horrifying news that the Guild Faction, specifically the Trips, have invaded Underground, and are holding the remaining children, Waylene, and Skylar hostage. The chain of events that follows may be too much for even a G.O.D. to take in, and all his training to control his potentially destructive powers may be undone. The only tempering force is his love for Tassta, her family, the children, and his friends in the Underground. Readers will be taken on a real emotional roller coaster as Griffin battles both the Guild Faction and the two halves of himself, at the same time. Again, I am truly in awe at Ms. Campbell’s character-developing abilities.
Absolutely loved it and cannot wait for the sequel. Well done again, Ms. Campbell.
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