Tuesday, July 30, 2024

"A Dynamite tale told masterfully!" – Midnight Owl (Joe Leverette Mysteries Book 1) by Viv Drewa


The dismembered body of a young woman is found, each grisly part discovered separately by a member of the community. Detectives Joe Leverette and Philip Marsden are assigned the case, but the outlook is grim, with eerie dreams and hooting owls putting their witnesses on edge.

When Carole Sage joins the team, the police are eager to use her gift of ‘second sight’ to gain an advantage. Will the young sensitive help crack the case, or will she become the murderer’s next victim?

M. M. Bishop


Midnight Owl: A Joe Leverette Mystery – book 1 kept me reading till the wee hours of the night. Yes, it has a lot of very gruesome scenes in it, but it holds you in the palm of its hands until the last page.
Ms. Drewa outdid herself when she wrote this book. I was on the edge of my seat, my eyes burning, yet I couldn’t put it down. A dynamite tale told masterfully.
Within its pages you will find a bit of the paranormal, a bit of romance, and a lot of suspense as the murderer goes on his rampage.
Highly Recommended.

Free on Kindle Unlimited


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