Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Help Emelina and Addison solve a mystery in NO CLUES, NO SHOES BY MARSHA CASPER COOK

image1A friendship develops between two kids when they solve the first of many mystery cases. At first, they have nothing in common and didn’t see eye to eye on anything. Addison likes to read and write stories inside, and Emelina likes to be outdoors, jogging, skating, and just about anything that keeps her active. She likes healthy food and Addison has a sweet tooth. After a few weeks of friendship they realize even though they are different they can still be great friends.

Also available in Audible. Audible is very helpful in helping kids understand a story better when they listen and read at the same time.



August 14, 2012

Format: Hardcover
Emelina and Addison are new friends. Emelina talks too much but wants to be a private detective. She and Addison are attending library day when another kid in the group announces that his shoe has been stolen. Emelina, Addison and her dog Stanley are on the case. They search the lost and found without any luck. They search the park and find what they were looking for and a whole lot more. They also find the culprit of this crime.
The story is aimed at 3-7 year olds and is great for detective wannnabes. Emelina is larger than life and a lot of fun. It was a fun little read and I recommend it for children in grades 1 or 2. I give this story 5 blue shoes.

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